In this episode, Marcelo chats with Scope AR Co-Founder, Scott Montgomerie, about how to get started creating apps for Microsoft’s HoloLens. Scott talks about tools, tips and techniques and compares and contrasts HoloLens development to Magic Leap and mobile AR development.

- Tell us about your background.
- How can we make AR more consumer-friendly?
- What are the current limitations of the HoloLens?
- What are the pro’s and con’s of HoloLens and Magic Leap?
- Do you think there will be big improvements to the HoloLens in version 2.0?
- What is your take on mobile AR?
- What tools should a developer learn to create apps for the HoloLens?
- Does the HoloLens support Web AR?
- Are there certain AR apps that do not work well for the HoloLens?
- How do you test apps on the HoloLens?
- Is anyone working on standard development practices for the HoloLens?
- Do you see yourself ever developing experiences that are both AR, VR, and MR?
- Do you suggest AR developers learn more about VR?
- What skill are very important for developing for the HoloLens?
- What should corporate developers building web enterprise apps know about the HoloLens?
- What should a developer know when creating the user-interface for an AR app?
- If you could give one tip for a developer looking to migrate to HoloLens development, what would it be?
- What would you like the HoloLens to be if you had full control?


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