My guest today is Tom Szirtes, the founder and CEO of Mbryonic, an agency involved in the design, development and distribution of immersive experiences.  Today, Tom will share with us some tips and tricks on how to design, develop and distribute VR apps on the Oculus Go platform.


- Tell us about your background.
- Did you experience VR before getting into VR development?
- What is your favorite experience?
- What are the differences to consider when developing for different platforms?
- Is there a way to create an experience that will work well in both 3 DOF and 6 DOF?
- What’s your workflow when developing for multiple devices?
- How do you implement a grab function for the Oculus Go?
- Is Unity the only way to create native apps for the Go?
- Is there a way to bootstrap development for VR experiences?
- Is there a difference in using Unreal or Unity for the Go?
- What scripting languages do developers need to know for the Go?
- How do you create a prototype for the Go?
- Do you have any performance tips?
- What kind of tools do you use for testing?
- When developing on the Rift how do you test for the Go?
- What is the submission process?
- Did you get approved right away?
- What tips would you share with first-time developers?
- How long does the publishing process take?
- How do you submit updates?
- What is the profit split in the Oculus Go store?
- Are there options for in-app purchases?
- What tips do you have for developing for the Go?
- What is your take on the Quest?  Will you switch focus to that?
- What would you like VR to be five years from now?



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