In this episode Marcelo talks to Beast Pets Founder, Game Content, and VR Developer Vivian Tan about creating VR experiences for arcades and Location Based Entertainment. Topics include prototyping, developing, testing and distributing VR games.

- Tell us about your background.
- What was your first VR experience?
- How did you decide to get into VR development?
- What made you decide to focus more on LBE’s and arcades?
- What do you think the future holds for LBE’s and arcades?
- What is the difference between LBE’s and VR arcades?
- Should developers think about adapting LBE experiences for the home?
- Have you thought about allowing the interaction of both VR and non-VR users?
- How do you design games that are both fun and easy to maintain for arcades?
- What strategies should a developer use when creating their onboarding experience?
- How do you handle tech support for your game?
- Do you have a voice in how your game is presented at the arcade?
- Do you think developers should have a say in the hardware requirements for their games at the arcade?
- Do you think the Oculus Quest will be good for LBE’s and will you be developing for it?
- Have you looked into porting your experience to the Quest?
- What would you like VR to be in 5 years?


- [email protected]