I speak with VR Designer Veronica Flint and Performance Capture Director TK Gorgonia about MOCAP, VR, game engines and their pipeline and workflow used to create their new VR experience, The Chimerical Era.

- Tell me about the The Chimerical Era Cinematic VR Experience.
- How much MOCAP was involved?
- Tell us about the story behind this VR experience.
- Tell us a bit about your background.
- How did you get into VR as a user? What was your first experience like?
- What’s your favorite VR experience as of today and why?
- Explain what MOCAP is and how it works?
- What are the various ways to capture Motion?
- Is MOCAP accessible today for the indie developer or is it still a very expensive thing to do?
- What about facial recognition? Are we there yet with that technology?
- What are some things actors need to know about MOCAP performance?
- How do you import MOCAP data into Unreal and/or Unity?
- Do you give direction to the actors?
- Do you use a script to track all of this information?
- When do you know if you captured good data?
- Can you manipulate the data in post?
- For someone just getting into VR creation, what advice would you give them?
- Describe what you would like VR to be like in the year 2025.

- https://www.thechimericalera.com/
- https://www.oculus.com/experiences/rift/1184398028297648/
- https://unity.com/madewith/life-of-us
- https://www.oculus.com/experiences/rift/1081190428622821/
- https://www.oculus.com/experiences/rift/980771811959458/
- https://carneyarenadc.com/
- http://inkstories.com/HERO/
- https://howtocreatevr.com/
- https://howtocreatevr.com/#TheMeetup

- https://www.thechimericalera.com/
- https://www.adobe.com/products/character-animator.html
- http://www.tkgorgonia.com/
- https://twitter.com/tikiscarr
- https://www.instagram.com/tkgorgonia/
- http://howtocreatevr.com/itunes
- http://howtocreatevr.com/soundcloud

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