In this episode, we have a spectacular guest who is the CEO, Chairman, and Founder of My Neuro Gym, John Assaraf. John has built 5 multimillion-dollar companies, written 2 New York Times Bestselling books, and featured in 8 movies, including the blockbuster hit “The Secret” and “Quest For Success” with Richard Branson and the Dalai Lama.

Make yourself healthy, wealthy, and wise as you listen to John sharing the “Why’s” and “How’s” to make things happen in your life! He also explains the principle of why we are not our brains.

Tune in now, and take in more ways in making your life mesmerizing and also learn about new and cool things that are being developed! 



“Most people see the word ‘attraction’ as this attractive force that is compelled to come towards you but what they miss is the last six letters of the word attraction, and that's A C T I O N.” - John Assaraf

“You already own the most powerful bio-computer in the whole universe. Now, let's just get it to work better.” - John Assaraf

“Don't try to do it all at once but make a decision that you are going to achieve your goals and your vision no matter what. And then ask yourself, what's the first thing I need to do?” - John Assaraf

“Let's keep it simple, reduce it to the ridiculous so you reduce the resistance.” - John Assaraf



Innercise, by John Assaraf


Show Notes:

[00:37] Greetings and introduction of John Assaraf

[01:04] John’s journey and Neuroscience

[07:30] Why things are still not happening

[08:46] 3 pieces you need to achieve success

[10:19] The Law of GOYA

[11:25] All the “How-to” already exists

[14:00] What could hold you back? - The most powerful bio-computer

[18:59] Working with the AI

[24:15] We are not our brain

[26:43] The potential for working with technology

[28:25] How are we not our brains?

[34:12] The Gamma state 

[35:29] The SEMP model in harmony

[37:07] My Neuro Gym, The Brain-athon

[39:27] Work on what’s the next step 


Make Your Day Mesmerizing