We have an exciting new series on how to build mesmerizing workplace cultures because there is no greater competitive advantage than to have happy and mentally well-devoted employees who want to do good for their company and for the world.

In this episode, our guest is one mesmerizing gentleman who is the President and CEO of Greyston Bakery, Joe Kenner. Joe is here to talk about Greyston’s exciting inclusive employment through open hiring. He explains the heart behind the process and how it will benefit the business and greatly impact the community. He also shares valuable insights on having a mesmerizing workplace culture where people thrive.

Hop right into this conversation and learn excellent principles and values that will make your business create an impact in the community!


“Stakeholder capitalism is not focusing on all the other stakeholders to the exclusion of profit, to the exclusion of your finances, it's in addition to. So, it's a more expansive view of just how your business is adding value.” - Joe Kenner

“Unlocking the power of human potential through inclusive employment, one person at a time.” - Joe Kenner







Greyston Bakery 

Wide Open Dreams - Greyston Bakery


Show Notes:

[00:00] Greetings and introduction for Joe Kenner

[01:29] Greyston Bakery’s open hiring

[04:34] Lessons from doing Open Hiring

[08:51] The importance of providing training for your people

[10:25] Looking into how it is within the work environment in an inclusive employment

[16:02] Lives that were changed as they first came to work

[19:07] What is a B Corp (Benefit Corporation)

[21:33] Making money while focusing on building people up

[25:44] Lessons learned from trying different things to grow and expand other social programs

[32:09] Taking time to re-evaluate the mission statements and core values

[35:39] The Greyston Bakery culture - Unlocking the power of human potential through inclusive employment

[38:45] Have courageous conversations

[40:00] Creating a psychologically safe environment

[44:09] Agreement vs. Alignment

[46:02] What’s in store for Greyston Bakery

[49:40] The power to hire


Make Your Day Mesmerizing