In this episode, we’re with a true legend, Steve Sims. Steve is the visionary founder of Bluefish: the world’s first luxury concierge that delivers the highest level of personalized travel, transportation, and cutting-edge entertainment services to corporate executives, celebrities, professional athletes, and other discerning individuals interested in living life to its fullest.

Steve shares some of his incredible experiences but even more than that, he talks about the lessons he learned that will help you step out to what seems impossible and discover that nothing is absolutely impossible!

Dive right in and listen to this episode now, you might just discover or level up the superpower you didn’t know you’ve always had!



“Nothing's impossible. It's only impossible until someone does it. So, there is absolutely nothing impossible. there is nothing that can't be achieved.” - Steve Sims

“When you're scared, you only have two options, go for it, or back out. What I'm frightened of is meeting the man I could have been.” - Steve Sims

“If you're ready for greatness, it'll show up.” - Steve Sims

“Just imagine if you can get comfortable with being uncomfortable. What can you then achieve?” - Steve Sims




Bluefishing, book by Steve Sims 


Show Notes:

[00:51] Greetings and introduction of Steve Sims

[01:11] Steve’s secret to his personal success

[08:31] Nothing’s impossible

[09:36] “Fear propels me” 

[14:22] Putting together the book, Bluefishing 

[24:57] Being able to get people out there

[28:42] Monetizing things

[29:34] A lesson learned from the dinner in the museum 

[38:03]  Being comfortable with being uncomfortable

[39:03] What is a Speakeasy

[45:27] Superpower from failures


Make Your Day Mesmerizing!!