In this episode, we have an exciting guest with us. JV Crum III is the Founder of Conscious Millionaire. You may know him as the host of the top-ranked Conscious Millionaire Show, with 12 Million monthly listeners in 190 countries. He wrote a book that was an Amazon number one bestseller in 34 different categories called Conscious Millionaire.

Today, JV points out brilliant principles that will surely guide you to reach and level up your goals in business and in life. He also gives top-notch advice for your business especially in these challenging times we are in right now.

So, hit play and listen in now!



“Big goals are actually easier to achieve than small goals. Because we get more momentum, we get more excitement, we get more energy, we get more drive, and they're just more fun to achieve.” - JV Crum

“Their purpose oftentimes is related to a wound that they had in their life.” - JV Crum

“The solution is the purpose that you started with.” - JV Crum

“The more you get aligned... opportunities will just appear, and more than you could ever act upon.” - JV Crum

“If you're driving to the right impact, presented with the right offer, you will have clients.” - JV Crum

“How you price your programs and products should always be a fraction of the ROI you can help people get.” - JV Crum

“Your relationship with money is a direct reflection, or is directly reflected by your bank account today.” - JV Crum



Show Notes:

[00:31] Greetings and introduction of JV Crum 

[01:17] JV’s secret to his success

[05:02] The sense of purpose in your life

[09:15] Having the alignment  

[12:04] When things still aren’t working 

[15:24] Pivot is fun

[18:34] Racing to the top

[21:38] The Conscious Millionaire Business Accelerator Program

[24:37] Big goals are easier to achieve than small goals


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