In this episode, Tim Shurr is giving a speech to IU Dental School, and this is the first of a two parts series. Tim shared his five mind tricks to go from fear to confidence that will help you face the challenges you may encounter. Tune in now and you will also learn from his insightful experiences and successes in dealing with fear, depression, and anxiety in different situations. Quotes:

“What we need to do is upgrade those beliefs which if we keep upgrading your beliefs about yourself, it changes the soil in your mind and it allows more of those supportive encouraging thoughts to emerge so that you are always looking for ways to solve problems, always looking for ways to find solutions, and always feeling like you're gonna be okay no matter what shows up because You have a foundation of security, a foundation of self-love and acceptance and you feel more resourceful and resilient.”


Show Notes:

[00:40] 5 mind tricks to go from fear to confidence

[01:00] Taking a power breath, looking up, and asking a power question

[08:55] Working with people who have had any dental fear

[15:49] Getting someone to say “I’m ready”

[18:29] Developing a new habit

[20:06] A disease of unconscious belief

[22:42] The difference between positive thinking and upgraded beliefs


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