This is an exciting series on how to build mesmerizing workplace cultures because there is no greater competitive advantage than to have happy and mentally well-devoted employees who want to do good for their company and the world.

In this episode, Tim is with an outstanding CEO who’s making a difference in society through his company. Glen McDermott is the founder and CEO of Red Rock branding. Glen grew up in Australia and spent a lot of time in the outback, especially on anything that had two wheels. After your studies in Australia, he served on the marketing teams for Australia's Country Road, Metro in Singapore, The Limited in the US, and other Fortune 500 companies. Then, he formed Red Rock Branding, which takes the corporate world's best marketing practices and applies them to non-profits, health and wellness initiatives, and small and midsize businesses.

Tim and Glen talk about what purposeful work really looks like and suggestions on where someone can start to be the change that they want to see in their company. So, tune in now and learn more helpful wisdom as we aim to upgrade the operating system called Capitalism.



“You can actually do anything you put your mind to as long as you have fun doing it.” - Glen McDermott

“The extractive, sort of exploitative consumerism capitalism is not sustainable.” - Glen McDermott 

“As soon as those values can align with your professional life, the better human being you become.” - Glen McDermott 



Show Notes:

[00:30] Greetings and introduction of Glen McDermott

[01:36] Glen’s travel experiences that have transformed him

[04:23] Glen’s 3 core beliefs to what they’re doing in Red Rock

[06:45] Working with prestigious organizations

[08:57] What does purposeful work look like

[11:01] Upgrading the operating system called Capitalism

[14:43] The portrayal of people still not caring about the planet so that they can make more profit

[19:55] Helping people get past the resistance against conscious capitalism movement

[27:21] The power in the collaborative model

[28:31] Businesses don't need a lot of vastly complex marketing and branding campaigns when your message and your actions are simple, aligned, and authentic

[33:51] Suggestions on where someone can start to be the change that they want to see in their company

[37:16] Defining the purpose of what you’re doing


Make Your Day Mesmerizing