This is an exciting series on how to build mesmerizing workplace cultures because there is no greater competitive advantage than to have happy and mentally well-devoted employees who want to do good for their company and the world.

In this episode, we have Monica Dalwadi, the managing partner of the DC region of Baker Tilly, which is a major international accounting and consulting firm. She also serves on the firm's National Diversity, Inclusion, And Belonging Steering Committee, and the DC growth and retention of women committee among many others.

Tim and Monica talk about diversity and inclusion, being crucial to the success of an organization. Listen in now and learn about the relationship between diversity inclusion and employee retention and how to enforce belonging in the hybrid setup where some employees work at home.



“Our goal is to enhance and protect the value that our clients have created for themselves. And part of being able to enhance or protect that value was to have a lot of different perspectives. And that perspective may come from a different socioeconomic background, a different career background, a different racial or gender background, just different ways of thinking.” - Monica Dalwadi

“What we've tried to do is be very purposeful in giving people different ways to connect.” - Monica Dalwadi

“Part of your success is getting someone to that next level… success isn't always driven just by the numbers.” - Monica Dalwadi



Show Notes:

[00:40] Greetings and introduction Monica Dalwadi

[01:30] Diversity and inclusion are crucial to the success of an organization

[03:32] The relationship between diversity inclusion and employee retention

[06:08] What “Belonging” means

[10:55] Being intentional about enforcing DIBs

[16:14] Enforcing Belonging in the hybrid setup because of the pandemic 

[19:06] Measuring success now

[22:07] Investing in your people and in your culture increases the bottom line

[25:14] Helping people progress through the limiting beliefs

[28:08] Asking good questions


Make Your Day Mesmerizing