In this episode, Tim shares one of his live streams where he talks about the 5 Leadership Blind Spots that prohibit business growth to help you know if you have them so that your awareness can point you to your breakthrough and finally achieve the level of success you’ve been wanting for your business, your company, or your team.

Listen in now and discover insights that take you and your business to exponential growth!



“When it comes to a blind spot, because they're blind, because we're not aware of them, nobody's doing it on purpose.”

“The goal is to not ignore our blind spots, but to become aware of them.”

“People support what they co-create.”

“People model the behavior of their leaders.”




[email protected]

Tim’s phone number: 317-502-5293

Show Notes:

[00:26] Greetings and episode intro

[01:04] What is a blind spot and leadership blind spot

[01:32] Becoming aware of your blind spots

[03:02] The strategic thinking blind spot

[08:26] The “I know everything” blind spot 

[13:38] The lone ranger blind spot

[18:03] Not defining expectations

[21:50] The power of clarity

[23:12] Unconscious bias blind spot

[27:21] 5 questions that you can ask people to get honest feedback

[30:19] People model the behavior of their leaders


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