How to heal from a toxic mother.

Our mothers are our nurturers, gatherers, protectors.  They bring us into the world and we rely on them for everything.  And so when that relationship becomes toxic, it is one of the hardest things to bear.  Marci's Mom and Dad had a difficult relationship from as far back as Marci can remember.  There was always tension, anger, fighting.  And when her father left, Marci thought her Mom's behaviour would improve.  But unfortunately for Marci it just got worse. Bi-polar and narcissistic, Marci's relationship with her mother deteriorated.  For many years Marci continued to tolerate toxic behaviour but it wasn't until her Mom turned this destructive behaviour towards Marci's children that Marci had no choice but to cut her out of her life.  Marci has spent many years healing and being the mother to her kids that she never had herself. Please join me in hearing Marci's story.

Marci recommends Everything Is Figureoutable The Alchemist Big Magic

You can find Marci at her podcast Facebook and her website  Permission to Land her book is here

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