Craig Morris has figured out how to hack the product sourcing and selection process. He talks with Travis about working with Chinese manufacturers, growing communities and overcoming the tough moments all entrepreneurs face.


Join Travis Chambers and guests as they share epic stories about hacking media, getting people’s attention, and turning them into customers.


Links and Resources from this Episode

For transcriptions and additional information of this episode go to: Connect with Craig Morris


Show Notes

Craig Morris’s background - 1:40 How he was able to hack the product sourcing and selection process - 5:27 What he learned from running an agency - 7:18 How speaking Chinese has helped him a ton - 9:24 The dynamics of doing business in China - 11:33 Craigs view on the future of Amazon - 17:40 How to pivot away from total Amazon dependency - 23:32 When Craig realized he was an entrepreneur - 26:10 The toughest moment in his career - 33:20 How he’s been able to get attention - 38:57


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