Instagram is quite the dumpster fire right now.

All the drama has been bubbling under the surface for a while now due to lower engagement and increasing unrest amongst users. And if I had to pinpoint the time it started - I’d say around the time they gave us the gift of Reels.

Add onto that the constant changes, the constant glitches and the introductions of new features every 5 minutes it’s turned Instagram into a pretty shit user experience.

Now today’s episode is not to spend the next 10 minutes bitching about Instagram - because that doesn’t help you.

But I do want to share what you can learn from the Instagram drama (particularly what NOT to do) and what it means for your business.

So let’s discuss.

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of How I Do Content

A snapshot of the Instagram drama and how Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner became involveWhat you can learn from Instagram - particularly what NOT to doWhat this all means for your business and how you can 

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