Crankiness from being overheated and thirsty or dehydrated may be bad for our heart, brain, and kidneys, and for a good night's sleep - which might be part of cause the health risks. Our brain is cleared of toxins during sleep hours. The white blood cells' autophagy and apoptosis functions are more active in the brain during sleep hours. Autophagy and brain health was a topic discussed in the Hangry and Hanxious Part Two episodes.

Crankiness can be due to many reasons that are physical, internal, rather than an external reason like someone else is purposely rattling their silverware too loudly just to bother you - no, they are probably just eating normally and you are overly irritable right now and we tend to look for a reason for a feeling. Sometimes the reason is us - in our own body. Crankiness might be due to being too hot, too thirsty, or too hormonally out of balance. Female or male hormone balance can affect mood and steroid based medications can have similar affects on the mood because they are similar to steroid based hormones, including gender related hormones and vitamin D, a secosteroid which can be activated into a form with hormonal functions.

This episode is in three parts. The Trailer includes an overview and hormones that may cause crankiness. The Main section gets into more detail about the potential negative effects for brain health of being chronically overheated, dehydrated, and unable to sleep well. The final Bonus section includes a few tips that might help you get to sleep if insomnia is a problem.

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Transcript/Reference list

Additional information and references about sleep, and the cooling strategies mentioned in the Bonus section are included in two posts:

 Glymphatic system – yes- sleep helps protect against Alzheimer’s dementia
 Sleep and Health.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use. It is not intended to provide individual guidance. Please seek a health care provider for individualized health care guidance.

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