Join Dr. Pitts with special guests Rose Randolph and Reginald Cotton as we engage in a robust discussion about Substance Abuse and Crime. One of the most significant areas of risk with the use of alcohol and drugs is the connection between alcohol, drugs and crime. Rose Randolph has a passion to see men and women free from emotional, spiritual, financial and relational bondages, bought on by incarceration, substance abuse and life’s challenges. She has served in the trenches for 25+ years via prison ministry, business development, the local church and her non-profit organization, SetFree Indeed! Many lives have been impacted by the programs and ministry efforts created and spearheaded by this former substance abuser. Reginald A. Cotton is the founder and CEO of Soulprosperity LLC, a seminar training and consulting company.  “Reggie” has impacted thousands by facilitating corporate workshops nationwide with a focus on soft skills topics such as Conflict Management and Confrontation Skills, How to Deal with Unacceptable Employee Behavior, and Dealing with Difficult People.

Alcohol and drugs are implicated in an estimated 80% of offenses leading to incarceration in the United States such as domestic violence, driving while intoxicated, property offenses, drug offenses, and public-order offenses.