What are the facts about race and crime? Is THE Black crime problem OUR black crime problem? Is Black on Black crime a myth or the reality? Do you believe that although the Black community is not responsible for the external conditions that systemically create breeding grounds for crime, the community has the responsibility of doing what it can to attack the problem from within? The relationship between race and crime in the United States has been a topic of public controversy and scholarly debate for more than a century. Tune in tomorrow July 25th, on HOUSE TALK w/Dr. Lauren D. Pitts at 9 pm, with Co-Host for the summer 2019 MAN-NESS series Dr. Brian Maiden and Dr. Pitts as they join the debate discussing “AM I MY BROTHER’S KEEPER: Black on Black Crime”. We want to hear from on this age-old topic so call us live during the show with your comments and questions (515) 605-9744!