Feedback & Shout Outs (2:26) Emily Pool & Cheri Dotterer EdTech Thought (7:29)

Take Risks!

Take it from me that risk-taking in education is WORTH it!

Starting the House of #EdTech has transformed my life and I am in debited to the podcast for all it's provided me,

EdTech Recommendation (13:06)

My go edtech tools for teaching and learning

Teaching Anything Google - Slides, Docs, Keep EdPuzzle Flipgrid PD Twitter Podcasts Podcasting - Create & Consume Featured Content (19:36) Helps connect your students to the real world: Take your students on a virtual tour of Grand Canyon National Park. Walk your students through the corridors and history of the White House. Technology allows you to remove the physical barriers of the classroom, offering your students a way to connect the curriculum with the real world. Prepare students for the workforce: To thrive in the 21st-century workplace, people need to have more than just a working knowledge of certain technological tools (electronic calendars, web pages, teleconferencing, electronic whiteboards, etc.). By integrating these technologies into the regular curriculum, institutions are ensuring that their students are prepared for the modern workplace. Encourages collaboration: Many educational tools offer a variety of functionalities that promote collaboration. For example, virtual meeting tools provide a way for students to hold meetings with classmates and anyone from anywhere in the world. The Google Suite has been promoting sharing and collaboration since its inception and students can easily share and edit projects with each other. Supports different types of learners: No two students learn the exact same way, but with technology, we can address diversity in learning styles. An effective blending of tools and differentiation can create a great learning environment where our students can and will learn. Access information more easily: Technology makes it easier for students to find information quickly and accurately. Search engines and e-books are replacing traditional textbooks. Instead of personal tutors, students can get one-on-one help through educational videos – anytime and anywhere – learning is available. Teaches students how to be responsible online: With social media sites o-plenty, most students are already digital citizens to some degree - especially after the last couple of years. Going forward, by incorporating technology into the classroom, students will continue to learn how to be responsible in the digital world. Your class and our schools have become a microcosm of the broader digital landscape where students can practice how to communicate, search, and engage with other digital citizens. Adds a fun factor to learning: Outside the classroom, students use technology in all aspects of their lives. Within the classroom, technology can make learning more fun and exciting. Tech-infused game-based learning allows you to deliver lessons via interactive games. Who doesn’t enjoy playing games? Offers A Wider Choice Of Materials That Can Be Accessed Easily: There is an endless amount of educational technology that is available to offer your students to meet their learning needs. EdTech helps them develop the right kind of skills and knowledge so that they can become good professionals in their chosen field. Learners who are able to communicate better through technological means will also perform better academically as well as in work settings because communication skills are very important when you want to get your point across effectively. The internet has become such an integral part of our lives that we hardly find people who do not use it on a daily basis. In today's world, it is essential for students to be able to access the internet from anywhere at any time so that they can do their assignments and research without having to travel all over a place or wait for a particular time when they can do so. Using educational technology helps learners in this regard because it allows them to connect with the internet even when they are in a classroom, school, or at home. Students Become Active Participants in the Learning Process by Using Technology in the Classroom. Teachers Who Become Experts at Using Technology in the Classroom Can Advance Their Careers. Just Give It A Try (26:58)

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