Feedback & Shout Outs (1:18)

PodcastPD returns on Sunday, January 29, 2023!

EdTech Thought (4:22)

Ask For Help

Asking for help can be difficult, but it is an important part of being a successful teacher. Here are a few tips to help teachers feel comfortable asking for help: Remember that it is okay to ask for help. Teaching can be challenging, and no one is expected to have all the answers. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness, and it shows that you are committed to improving and doing the best job possible. Identify the type of help you need. Before you ask for help, think about what you need and why. Are you struggling with a particular lesson plan or instructional strategy? Do you need advice on how to handle a difficult situation with a student? Knowing what you need will make it easier for others to provide the right kind of support. Choose the right person to ask. Not everyone will be able to provide the help you need, so it is important to choose the right person to ask. This might be a colleague who has experience with the issue you are dealing with, a mentor who can provide guidance and advice, or a school administrator who can provide support and resources. Be specific and direct. When asking for help, be specific and direct about what you need. This will make it easier for the person you are asking to understand your situation and provide the right kind of support. Be open to feedback and suggestions. When you ask for help, be prepared to listen to feedback and suggestions. Remember that the person you are asking is trying to help you, and their advice and guidance can be valuable. By following these tips, teachers can feel more comfortable asking for help when they need it. This can help them improve their teaching and support the success of their students. EdTech Recommendation (7:36)

Apple Freeform - Back in December 2022 Apple released a new app called Freeform, which is similar to a digital whiteboard. It allows you to write, draw, add images, and documents to a blank board, alone or with others. The app is available on iOS 16.2, iPadOS 16.2, and macOS 13.1. You can pinch-to-zoom in or out on a board, with no limit on how far you can zoom out, and you can add as much as you want or need to a board. Along the top of the screen, you can find all the available tools, such as the Apple Pencil to draw on a board, add a sticky note, or select from over 700 different shapes. You can also add text boxes, links, images, and documents from the Photos or Files app, or even scan a document directly into the app. Freeform also allows for collaboration with friends or colleagues, and you can work on a board together over a FaceTime call. To share a board, users will need to turn on iCloud sync for Freeform.

If you have the ability to mirror your iPad in your classroom or conference room this could be a great tool for you and your students.

Featured Content (9:52)

The podcast discusses how education technology may change in 2023, with a focus on three main trends. The first trend is an increase in the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in education. These technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way we learn and teach by personalizing learning experiences, providing personalized feedback and support, and helping educators manage and analyze data. The second trend is the continued growth of online and blended learning, which has been accelerated by the pandemic and is expected to continue in 2023 with the development of more technology tools and platforms that support these models. The third trend is a greater focus on equity and accessibility, which includes providing students with the necessary hardware and software and making sure that the technology is designed to be inclusive and accessible for all learners. The podcast also highlights the need for better connectivity and access to technology for students and educators to achieve equity in education.

Just Give It A Try (19:51)

Increasing Your Engagement on Twitter

Tweet regularly: One of the best ways to increase engagement on Twitter is to tweet regularly. This will help you stay top of mind with your followers and keep your content fresh and relevant. Use hashtags: Hashtags are a great way to make your tweets more discoverable and increase their reach. By using relevant hashtags, you can connect with other users who are interested in the same topics and increase the chances that your tweets will be seen and engaged with. Engage with others: Twitter is a social platform, so it's important to engage with others in order to increase your engagement. This might involve retweeting, commenting, or replying to other users' tweets. By engaging with others, you can build relationships and increase the chances that your own tweets will be seen and engaged with. Use visuals: Tweets with visuals, such as images or videos, tend to perform better and get more engagement than text-only tweets. Consider using visuals to make your tweets more eye-catching and engaging.

Join me in making engagement a little less stressful and easy by participating in #easychat. These are super easy questions to be more comfortable responding to on Twitter and engaging with other people.