I was visiting Google one day, and I walked into a lunch area and saw everyone sitting on couches and at tables, all on their computers. I asked, “is this the silent lunch room?” and was surprised when I was told no.

Far too often, I find myself on my phone or computer for most of my day – often missing the people and live events that are all around me. This is why it is important to do a complete “digital detox” – something I do at least a few times a year so that I can get back to just being.

More and more studies have been coming out showing the link between too much Internet usage and screen time and mental and mood disorders (like ADHD, anxiety, depression etc.). In a recent study, people who reported excessive Internet use also reported social anxiety disorders, loneliness, social isolation and lower quality of life. The study also showed that Internet addiction was associated with reduced immune function.

That’s right, too much Internet and screen time can actually make you sick!

PS – My Eat Fat, Get Thin Challenge is not just about detoxing from junk foods, it’s about movement, journaling, breathing and more. Make the most of your online time by joining our 2017 Challenge and work with others to create new healthy habits together. Prep day starts on January 12th! Sign up now!