On the kickoff episode of The Dogmen Podcast, hosts Ed Barnes and Tanner Herr catch up with Carter Shultz of Boars-N-Broads in Ringling, Oklahoma at the September Mudcreek Hog Bay. The group gets some insight into Carter’s start with hog dogs and where he is today. They also discuss the past, present and future of hog baying as a sport.  Carter sprinkles hunting stories, smoke shows and run-ins with the law into the mix as well as real dog insight.  It is a light hearted, funny conversation among friends. Enjoy “The Dogmen” only on the Houndsmen XP Podcast Network.

Topics discussed:

Woods class hog baying

Starting hog hunting

The start of Boars-N-Broads

Origins of his dog pack

Heirloom tomatoes, Grandma and a smoke show

Fishing for giant stripers

And much more. 


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