Dictator Dan Andrews, Premier of Victoria, leads Australia on a number of issues. When it comes to arrogance, incompetence, dishonesty and bad governance, there’s no politician anywhere in Australia, at any level of government, who can match Dan in any of those areas. Announcing this time last year that Regional Victoria would host the Commonwealth Games, that it wouldn’t cost much and the benefits would be huge – and then 12 months later scrapping the Games, claiming they would cost too much and there would be no benefits – that alone marks Dictator Dan as a politician setting new standards in bizarre behaviour and stunning incompetence. But there’s a lot more to worry about with this obnoxious individual – he has single-handedly made Victoria a No Go Zone for property investors – passing laws that are onerous to property owners and have significantly increased their costs of ownership, increasing stamp duty for certain types of purchases, announcing big increases in land tax and then announcing plans to bring in a rental cap. So, having massively increased the costs for property owners, he is declaring that those owners cannot increase their price.