This episode is the audio portion from our recent Revel Session with Dr. Lisa Larkin.  Hot Flashes & Cool Topics podcast is currently hosting a 6 month series on Menopause and Positive Aging on the Revel platform.

We were excited to have Dr. Larkin as our expert guest for the Surgical Menopause and HRT session.  Trained at Yale, and the University of Chicago, Dr. Lisa Larkin is a board-certified internist, business owner, and entrepreneur practicing internal medicine and women’s health in Cincinnati, Ohio, since 1991. She is also the founder of Ms. Medicine.

Dr. Larkin explained what is surgical menopause, how women who are placed into menopause due to variables outside of the natural process have different concerns and issues and how those may be concerns may be addressed. She also discussed the pros and cons of hormone replacement therapy as well as answering many of the audience's questions.