Our guest this week is Dr. Julianne Arena and we will be talking about integrative medicine, menopause and new procedures to improve sexual arousal and your orgasms.

Dr. Arena is a board certified OBGYN and certified in functional and integrative medicine.  Her approach is to teach her patients the difference between the disease care system and the health care system.  She works to improve wellness in all areas of your life. 

Two of the specific procedures that we discussed are the "O" Shot and Cliovana:

The "O" Shot is a 30 minute procedure that utilizes your body’s own platelet-rich plasma and injects them into specific areas of the vagina.   Results can include increased sensation, better orgasms and decreased pain.

Cliovana is a soundwave treatment that increases clitoral responsiveness for better and more intense orgasms and increased arousal.

Show Notes on our website will provide links to more information.

