Today’s episode features a conversation between myself and Michael Sanders, Chief Operating Officer at the Minneapolis Institute of Art, about techniques for cultivating a motivated and dedicated team of employees.

Michael has been working in museums for 20 years, and so he’s not only an experienced hospitality leader in his own right but also has an outstanding knowledge of his industry niche. That experience has enabled him to understand what works and what doesn’t when it comes to creating team buy-in.

Michael’s primary avenue for keeping his staff dedicated to their work is seeking out intentional feedback. That feedback doesn’t just come through surveys or occasional team check-ins. Instead, Michael goes out of his way to seek out team members on the floor to learn the pain points of their role and how they think it could be improved.

By turning that feedback into concrete action, Michael earns his team’s trust and thus their buy-in.

Michael Sanders-

Minneapolis Institute of Art-

Chris Cano -


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