“We'll begin with a reign of terror, a few murders here and there, murders of great men, murders of little men - well, just to show we make no distinction. I might even wreck a train or two... just these fingers around a signalman's throat, that's all.”
~ Dr. Jack Griffin (The Invisible Man)

Happy Halloween you nasty fiends out there!!!
We are diving right into our wonderful garments and bandages while wearing designer sunglasses to discuss the masterpiece that is Universal’s baby, The Invisible Man (1933).

While you relax from terrorizing the neighborhood you’ll hear us discussing the genius of Universal Studios taking a chance on horror so early on, the practical effects that put The Invisible Man on the map that stand the test of time, the genius that is John P. Fulton (we nerd out a bit for him), and among many other things we bring the funnies mixed with knowledge.

Be sure to check this film out, you won’t be disappointed!!

Thank you for all of your continued support, we truly appreciate it.
If you have any requests be sure to let us know, we’d love to see what our audience has been into and we might even review it in a future episode!

~ Stephen & Hunter

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