Today I’m joined by Vannah Taylor, MA student at San Diego State University with a lifelong love of horror working towards writing a thesis on gender in horror films. Vannah is also a horror writer for various outlets, she’s a dancer, and she’s an all-round icon.

This is the very first episode of HBF that was actually recorded IN PERSON back during my trip to LA in summer. Meeting Vannah irl was an absolute delight, and as our taste in horror films is so similar, I knew she wouldn’t disappoint when it came to bringing amazing chat and analysis.

Her FFO of gender, filth and melancholy matched perfectly with one of my all-time favourite movies, one that’s rife with tentacles, trauma and female trouble: Andrzej Żuławski’s 1981 POSSESSION.

Follow Vannah on:

Twitter: @horrorhellion

IG: @thehorrorhellion

Letterboxd: horrorhellion

Read Vannah’s writing for:

Hear Us Scream

Beauty Of Horror

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HBF Cover art: @tbombadil

Music: @birdengine

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