Today I’m joined by Zoë Rose Smith; creator and EIC of Ghouls Magazine, ZoboWithAShotgun, co-host of OurBloodyObsession podcast and creative producer over at Hellmouth Pictures.

Since I planned Season 2, there was only one name on my list for the first episode. Zoë did not disappoint by throwing me a delicious FFO of disturbing, dystopia, cerebal and as Zoë is the Queen of Extreme I knew I had to choose something controversial for our chat.

So please, grab yourself a tall glass of moloko vellocet, dust off your bowler hat and settle in as we discuss Stanley Kubrick’s 1971 story of a descent into satirical sociopathy, A CLOCKWORK ORANGE.

Follow Zoë on:

Twitter: @ZoBoWithShotgun

IG: @ZoBoWithAShotgun


Ghouls Magazine



OurBloodyObsession Podcast


Hellmouth Pictures


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