Dr. Kelly Halderman graduated from medical school in 2007 and completed a Family Practice Medicine internship with the University of Minnesota. She has a Naturopathic Medical Degree from Kingdom College of Natural Health where she is the current Academic Dean of Students. She holds certification in MethylGenetic Nutrition by the Nutrigenetic Research Institute and certification from The American Functional Neurology Institute in Functional Neurology and Neurofeedback. 

She is an active member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, President and founder of the American Association of Nutraceutical Formulators, as well as a member of The American Medical Association and Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine. 

She coined "Phase 2.5 Detoxification" which involves properly restoring bile physiology, our body's built-in toxin transport system and has successfully developed novel nutraceutical products and clinical strategies to support this new, important phase of detoxification. 

Dr. Halderman also has board certification in Clinical Nutrition and has certification in Plant Based Nutrition from Cornell University and health coaching certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. 

She works alongside her husband, Dr. Charles Halderman at Halderman Wellness in the Twin Cities. Her interests include proper detoxification, Chronic Lyme, of which she has personally experienced and beat as well as regenerative therapies such as ozone and stem cell therapies. 

Her new book - The Thyroid Debacle is due to be released early Dec 2020 & is co-authored by Dr Eric Balcavage. 

Pre-order now - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Thyroid-Debacle-Dr-Eric-Balcavage/dp/1628603984


Contact Dr Halderman - https://drkellyhalderman.com/



We discuss:

Internal & external factors that can affect the way our liver works

Each phase of liver detoxification and what happens during each stage

Key supportive food/herbs/supplements for liver health

The importance of bile flow & how to optimise it

How a vegan/veggie diet may lead to issues with sulphation

Why gut health is so important for the removal of toxins

How liver detoxification affects hormones

Genetic SNPs involved in liver detoxification 



Dr Eric Balcavage podcast episode on thyroid health

itunes - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/hormones-in-harmony/id1449574387?i=1000474908562


youtube - https://youtu.be/-27LDyxITmU


Lily Nichols - Real Food for Pregnancy

itunes - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/hormones-in-harmony/id1449574387?i=1000441010646


youtube - https://youtu.be/oHb-VlHcgx0


Stephanie Seneff on Glyphosate

itunes - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/hormones-in-harmony/id1449574387#episodeGuid=hormonesinharmony.podbean.com%2F2aa33b77-34b5-5658-b97f-079de0a5da1f


youtube - https://youtu.be/F0MEgWec5jg


Dr Greg Nigh on Sulphur

itunes - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/hormones-in-harmony/id1449574387#episodeGuid=hormonesinharmony.podbean.com%2Fd6d98c0c-dad7-5c8e-b616-0aef5faca3c0


youtube - https://youtu.be/1rzFbQDADYM




Omega Quant


 FOOD to support specific phases of detox


For more info on MRT contact Laura Bisek, RDN - [email protected] 


Townsend Letter 2014 MRT document


How sensitivities cause inflammation


Professional Health Products




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