"Acupuncture studies have found that it...

- Promotes blood flow to the uterine lining, therefore supporting conception

- Improves insulin sensitivity & ovulation rates in women with PCOS

- Reduces (sometimes resolves) pre-menstrual symptoms such as headaches & mood swings"

Kymberly Kelly M.S, L.Ac., is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist, practicing in New York City. For the past 15 years, she has focused on Women’s Health and Fertility and has also used Chinese Medicine to help an array of health issues from headaches and digestive disorders, to anxiety, insomnia and pain conditions.

She loves that Chinese Medicine treats everyone as a unique person, and can tailor treatment plans to all aspects of the individual. When not studying or practicing, you can find her riding her bike on the trails, or under a shady tree, listening to podcasts.

Contact info:

Ren Wellness


@renwellness (IG, FB)

We discuss:

What exactly acupuncture is - how it works

Difference between TCM acupuncture & more medical based clinics - used in doctor's offices now

The 5 elements of Chinese medicine & signs of imbalance

Kymberly’s approach to treating infertility. Amenorrhoea, PMS & Irregular cycles

The Chinese medicine approach to nutrition

Some tongue/nail/facial signs that could indicate health imbalances


Episode #52 Physical Signs of Imbalance (Face, Tongue & Nails)



Find an acupuncturist (USA)



Find an acupuncturist (UK)


Chinese herb names:

- Jia Wei Xiao Yao San
-Xiao Chai Hu Tang
-Li Zhong Wan
-Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan

Becoming Supernatural - Joe Dispenza



Between Heaven & Earth - Book



The Web That Has No Weaver - Book



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