DR. LINDA LANCASTER is an Energy Medicine physician. In 1987, she founded Light Harmonics Institute, an Energy Medicine Clinic and Educational Center based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her training includes Ayurveda, Yoga, medical radiesthesia, radionics, subtle energy healing, counseling, nutrition, herbal medicine, and detoxification methods. Her life-changing health and cleansing programs have been offered to her patients and their families for nearly 40 years.


We discuss:

What is ‘etheric energy’ & how does it differ to other terms like Qi/chi

How this ties into the chakra system, often used in Ayurvedic medicine?

Things that affect our etheric energy both positively and negatively including ‘Parasites’ - fungi, worms, viruses, bacteria & microscopic parasites

Environmental toxins Radiation Tips for healthy travel

Why the liver is a big focus within her 6 week healing protocol



Linda's Book - Harmonic Healing




Linda's Website


Linda's Instagram


Linda's Facebook






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