Control Panel is going away, SMS based MFA is bad, Project Management is good, SCCM/MEMCM payload tips, MS product name frustrations, and more!

Extended Show Notes available at

Boot Up

    How are you?

    Life Cereal

    Giving up Control (Control Panel going away)

        Alternate UWP Control Panel

        GodMode: Make a new folder named GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

    Administrative Tools???

    Tiff's Outlook for Mac New Experience Rant

    AskWoody changing hands

    Microsoft sez: No more SMS-based 2FA

        NIST said this in 2016

    Hope this helps! Bookmark this: Microsoft Portals

    Dangling Domains



    Don't be afraid of failing projects

When A Problem Comes Along, 7-zip it

    Deploy SCCM/MEMCM/SMS Payloads better: Large applications with large size & many files? 7-zip it!

    Include the 7-zip executable and DLL, and include a script to locally extract and THEN install.

Microsoft's product names are annoying

    Defender ATP is called what now?

    Moffice 365?

    Sharepoint Syntex? WTF is this

Some new Teams Features

    Timed statuses

    Statuses from Skype for Business/Outlook (OOO/Invisible)

That is Accurate

    Tiff and Steve are Advanced Glasses Users

Ask the Stiffs: Question of the Week

    What is the dumbest acquisition you can think of?

    Microsoft buys OnlyFans and makes it a social network merged with Yammer

Outro - "Plus Delta"

    12/8/20 4pm Australian time - Tiff and Adam Fowler - How to Keep Up with Microsoft

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