Previous Episode: HTH0030 - Moo With Me

Long-winded rants about cybersecurity, Teams Updates, Google Play Music, and the future of IT. Other stuff too!

Extended show notes available at

Boot Up

    How are you?

    Linode and OpenVPN connection attempts

    Youtube-DL RIAA DMCA

    YouTube Rolling Cypher

    National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

    ArnoldC - Get to the Chopper - "Program with your favorite Terminator"

    October Teams Updates and other things

    Where are break out rooms?

    Why isn't Teams a Docker container or a PWA?

    Office PWA Installs Caused by Microsoft Edge Bug

    Still not 100% functional in Firefox

    Outlook for Mac Preview features

    OWA Light mode: Start on and Go to the cog in the top right and scroll down to "Mail" under "Your app settings." Expand "General" and select "Light Version," checking off "Use the light version of Outlook" and click "Save." Sign out, then sign back in, Light Mode should work. If you ever need to get out of Light mode, go to Options->Outlook Version, uncheck "Use the light version" and sign out/back in.

    115 Million Users daily

    MS Office Mouse and Trackpad support iPad

Cybersecurity Awareness Month Fail: Nintendo

    Nintendo Sez: Open up all your ports

    "Within the port range, enter the starting port and the ending port to forward. For the Nintendo Switch console, this is port 1 through 65535."

The IT DEEP STATE / State of the Zunion Combo Segment: RIP Google Play Music


    Self-Host your music using LMS

ITIL - Org Structure's and Ops

    What do future IT orgs look like, and how should traditional Infrastructure and operations teams be shifting?

    The relationship between infrastructure/ops/cloud/devops

    Gartner Research: Evolve Your Infrastructure and Operations Organization to Remain Relevant in the Cloud Era

    Saying yes to new ideas

    Be the department of "yes"

Ask the Stiffs: Question of the Week

    What should a truly accurate sysadmin job description be?