When it comes to poor mental health days (or weeks… or months…) it can be difficult to be proactive about doing things that are good for you. Especially when you might not really be sure what those things are. Everyone around you seems to have a different suggestion for which coping mechanisms to try. It can be overwhelming, and then defeating when you try them and they don’t really seem to work for you.

Today I’m joined by Cope Notes founder Johnny Crowder to talk about coping mechanisms and how to shift into a growth mindset when everything is just too much for you to handle. Different coping mechanisms will work for everyone, so it’s just about finding what works for you. It doesn’t have to be a trending topic, and you don’t have to be some sort of creative mastermind in order to improve your mental health. 

You just need to believe that tomorrow can be better than today. Tune in to learn more from Johnny’s personal experiences and expertise as he teaches us how we can improve our mindset and coping strategies.

About Johnny Crowder:

Johnny Crowder is a 29-year-old suicide/abuse survivor, TEDx speaker, touring musician, mental health and sobriety advocate, and the Founder & CEO of Cope Notes, a text-based mental health platform that provides daily support to users in nearly 100 countries around the world.

To learn more you can find Johnny on Facebook and Instagram, and connect with him on LinkedIn.

Mentioned In This Episode:

Cope NotesMindset by Carol DweckJohnny’s Ted talksWellness WebinarExpert in Hope