You know that there is an end in sight, but you don’t know what it looks like. Or... do you? No, you can’t see into the future, but as today’s guest teaches, you can create a vision of the future you desire, and guide your life in that direction.

Taher Dawoodi joins the podcast today to talk about intention, resilience, and compassion as you craft yourself and your life into what you want it to be. It’s not always easy, but Taher teaches us that doing the “easy” thing just guides us further away from the future we want for ourselves. You must be intentional to keep control of your destiny and design a life you love.

Tune in, and start creating a vision for your future!

About Taher Dawoodi:

Taher Dawoodi is a chemical engineer turned marketer. He is a father of three lovely daughters, a husband, the founder of Basar Optimization, and a geek at heart. He has lived in India, Dubai, the United States, and is now settled in Canada.

To learn more, you can follow him on LinkedIn.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

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