Effective storytelling is critical to the suicide prevention and suicide grief support efforts. Intimate, vulnerable, inspiring stories let us know we are not alone. Stories of recovery allow us to see a road map before us that leads us out of our despair. For more information on this and every episode go to https://www.sallyspencerthomas.com/hope-illuminated-podcast/3
Speaking the word itself is not the problem.

The silence that so often follows is.

THE S WORD, a feature-length documentary, tackles one of the most unfathomable issues of our time by telling the stories of suicide attempt survivors, along with the families and loved ones of those who have died by suicide - who are left behind to suffer the anguish, guilt, and confusion of death by suicide. The voices of those living through suicide loss and attempts will be amplified above simple discussion and politics of the issues. This film is bracing, controversial, and surprising in its revelations, its humor, its connections, and its multiple points of view.


Raise awareness about suicide prevention and resources, including alternatives that reach outside the box.

Expand the conversation about suicide to include everybody, because we have all been touched by it in some way.

Talk openly about suicide without judgement, shame or discrimination.

To get people to think about suicide in a completely different way – highlighting the complexity, pain and even humor of our survivors.

Change the world. (Okay we know one film can’t change the world but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.) for more information on this episode go to https://www.sallyspencerthomas.com/hope-illuminated-podcast/3