When we look at mental health awareness and supports in Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI — or AANHPI when we add in Native Hawaiian) communities we need to take into consideration many important factors. First the communities that have been aggregated into “Asian Americans” are very diverse. What may describe common mental health experiences of refugees from Burma are often very different from a third generation American whose family originated from Japan or indigenous Hawaiians. Second, many of these groups have experienced racial trauma that has impacted generations. While recent mass shootings targeting Asian Americans have put a spotlight on these tragedies, hate-fueled violence and the systemic racism that has resulted in disparities in research and health care have existed in the US for a very long time.

In this conversation, I meet with the world renowned leader, Dr. DJ. Ida, Executive Director of the National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association about how these issues and many more impact the wellbeing of the AAPI communities, and what are some additional approaches -- beyond traditional talk therapy — that may promote healing.

About Dr. DJ Ida
Dr. DJ Ida is Executive Director of the National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association. She received her doctorate in clinical psychology and has over 45 years of experience working with AAPIs. She received the Robert Wood Johnson Health Equity Award for her focus on the impact of mental health on the wellbeing of AAPIs across the country. She helped develop numerous training programs using a whole health approach that respects the impact of culture and language. Dr. Ida says the years of work with the community has taught her as much as she has hopefully given them. For more information on this episode please go to https://www.sallyspencerthomas.com/hope-illuminated-podcast/91