Episode 60: Hoot Dawg Radio – PoopShizzle is da shiznit In Episode 60, Hoot Dawg Radio is “buzzing” with activity as ClearNite hosts a 1v1 with a “most patient” Sherpa and friend of the clan, PoopShizzle. We talk about his [gaming] origin story along with varied discussion topics that range from a very “Vexing” Final … Continue reading Episode 60: Hoot Dawg Radio – PoopShizzle is da shiznit

Episode 60: Hoot Dawg Radio – PoopShizzle is da shiznit

In Episode 60, Hoot Dawg Radio is “buzzing” with activity as ClearNite hosts a 1v1 with a “most patient” Sherpa and friend of the clan, PoopShizzle. We talk about his [gaming] origin story along with varied discussion topics that range from a very “Vexing” Final Assault, Shizzle’s “fresh” cooking and gaming streams, some Epic deals, the dreaded Steam sales, music appreciation, recent games beyond just Destiny, plus ClearNite’s experiences with the Google Stadia launch. Finally, we evaluate the current season and anticipate the changes coming as the Season of the Undying is sunsetting in favor of a new solar “Dawn” ahead.

Referenced Links:



Destiny 2: Shadow Keep

Epic Games freebies of the week

Haphazard Heroes (http://haphazardheroes.com/)

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