Episode 59: Hoot Dawg Radio – Adavari won’t be Lost (again) In Episode 59, Hoot Dawg Radio welcomes back our clanmate Adavari (aka the Guardian formerly known as Elemental Pro and the “wee one“). In an unfortunate turn of events, ClearNite finds himself outgunned by these “mostly salt-free” Destiny hunters as the talk surrounds Festival … Continue reading Episode 59: Hoot Dawg Radio – Adavari Won’t Be Lost (again)

Episode 59: Hoot Dawg Radio – Adavari won’t be Lost (again)

In Episode 59, Hoot Dawg Radio welcomes back our clanmate Adavari (aka the Guardian formerly known as Elemental Pro and the “wee one“). In an unfortunate turn of events, ClearNite finds himself outgunned by these “mostly salt-free” Destiny hunters as the talk surrounds Festival of the Lost 2019, Crucible, power gains, dungeon delving, weapon rolls, class builds, and even a little haunted forest exploration.

It may be his second (*cough third*) appearance, but Adavari last joined the show right before the Warmind DLC; needless to say, much has changed including: his name, primary platform, and much more (like Destiny Year 2 and this start of Year 3) .

Finally, we squeeze some early impressions of the upcoming Witcher Netflix Series (Trailer), BlizzCon2019 (Diablo4 and Overwatch2 non-announcements), and more!


twitter.com/TheRCRCompany  TheRaginCajunRingCo

Steam: Adavari

Referenced Links:

Shadow Keep: Festival of the Lost

Witcher (Netflix series’ trailers)

BlizzCon (Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4)

Haphazard Heroes (http://haphazardheroes.com/) w/@PoopShizzle

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