In Episode 23 of the Hoosier United Methodist Podcast Dr Brad Miller has a conversation with Rev. Tom Heaton the founder and director of Mission Guatemala. Tom tells the story of the founding and the focus of Mission Guatemala. Tom shares with Brad how adopting son’s from Guatemala led to trips to the country, (the poorest in the western hemisphere), where Tom personally witnessed the devastating poverty. Tom felt the call l to do do something about the poverty he saw which led to his decision to leave the local church in Indiana, pack up his car and his son’s and drive to Guatemala to start the mission project from scratch. Now six years old Mission Guatemala has a four-fold focus of health, eduction, nutrition programs and community development. The mission is quite successful serving 19 villages in the rural mountainous region. In addition over 600 persons from over 45 work teams have visited Mission Guatemala to serve in ways ranging from providing medical care to building sinks in school buildings to improve student hygiene. Tom shared with Brad stories of life transformation among the local folk as well as from the visiting mission teams. Indeed, it is evident that Mission Guatemala has borne fruit for the kingdom of God and is a real success story born out of the vision and passion of Hoosier United Methodist missioner Tom Heaton. You will want to hear the inspiring story and feel the passionate leadership of Tom Heaton in Episode 23 of the Hoosier United Methodist Podcast. The mission of the Hoosier United Methodist Podcast is strengthening the connection in the United Methodist Church in Indiana to achieve the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.