Do you struggle with feeling negative or down about yourself? On today’s episode, we discuss how self-esteem and confidence are like muscles; they need to be exercised in order to grow!

How can I tell if my loved one has low self-esteem or low confidence and how can I support them?

What can I do to build my own confidence and self-esteem?

How can I support my spouse in these areas?

How do I surround myself with good people?

James and Beth Deppa welcome author, YouTuber, podcaster, project manager, and mindset and confidence coach, Jonny Pardoe, to answer all of these questions and more!

It’s not realistic to be super confident and have high self-esteem all day every day, but there are steps you can take to grow those areas of yourself. Tune into this week’s episode for powerful tips for building confidence and growing your self-esteem, as well as advice for how you and your partner can support each other’s confidence and self-esteem.


●  There are many ways to strengthen your self-esteem and build confidence. Self-esteem is like a muscle, you have to work it to make it stronger. The more you work your self-esteem, the more likely you are to exude confidence! A great place to start is speaking to yourself nicely and making sure you’re taking in positive information. Avoid filling your surrounding with negative news and negative Nancy’s. Surround yourself with positivity by consuming constructive content and having a loving support system. Do the things that make you feel uncomfortable. Venture outside of your safety zone to grow as a person and build your confidence. Jonny emphasizes the importance of having an accountability partner to help you stick to your intentions and reach your goals.

●  Support your partner’s self-esteem and confidence. Have you noticed your partner feeling down about themselves? Jonny offers great tips for helping to boost your loved one’s self-esteem and confidence, including complimenting each other, expressing appreciation, and prioritizing spending time with them. Communication with the self and with your partner is key, so asking what you can do to support them when you notice something is off can go a long way. Remember, no one is perfectly confident all the time, so it’s important to accepting each other’s flaws and give them space to be their true selves.


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