Previous Episode: It's Ok to Say NO

How do you know the person you are with is the right one?  How do you find the right one?

Finding the right partner isn't so much looking for them.  However, knowing when they come into your life.

First thing is to stop looking.  Looking for the right person usually doesn't go the right way and leads to disaster.

Second, improve who you are.  Working on yourself, helps you know who you need in your life and make you an even better person.

Third, when the right person comes into your life.  You will take a natural interest in their life.  You will want to continue improving yourself for them and will want to come along side them to help make them better.

Fourth, you will want to spend time with this person.  Learning about who they are and why.

Fifth, when you are troubled; you want them by your side helping you.  When they are troubled you will want to be by their side helping them.  When you two are at odds, their is no one you want but them.