There are times in life when everything seems against us and we are doing everything we can to keep our head above water.

We are trying everything to keep tempers at bay, emotions in check and mental health healthy.

4 Tips to Surviving Difficult Times.

First is know what your values are.  When you know your values, it helps keep your mental and emotions in check with them.

Second, making your priorities are in line with your values.  When you have your priorities inline with your values helps you feel worthy and important.

Third is taking responsibility for your thoughts, feelings and actions.  When you do this you are making sure they stay consitent with your values and priorities.

Finally, is taking action.  Fear and our comfort zone keeps us from doing things we need to, even though there is nothing wrong with where you are.  When your actions are keeping you from what your values and priorities are, then you will have a lack of self worth.  You need to taking those actions to help your self worth by taking the responsibility in following what your values and priorities are.

What are your values?  How are your priorities matching your values?  Who are you when you are not following them? What do you have to do to feel more self worth?

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