Previous Episode: Why Me, You, Us?

What's all the buzz about!  From the Smokin Js podcast studio in Olympia, Washington, Patti Haines is here to educate and participate in the stewardship of our great pollinators, the honeybee.

Why Me?  Why You?

Time is precious and very little is left with our busyness in life. We are often too tired to act even after we listen, watch or read something inspiring us to make change happen.  So, with all sincerity, I want to share this journey with all of you. Even if they're baby steps I want us to move forward and make an impact by virtually "joining minds" in action to truly offer our entire planet love and care thereby saving ourselves by doing simple things to at least start. The Bees do more than feed my belly. They feed my spirit and soul. I love watching their interaction and role clarity in and out of the hive.

We need our pollinators!

Our pollinators are the life blood of the food chain accounting for 70% of our crops that feed 90% of the planet one third of the food we eat. This isn't even beginning to address our textiles and if we don't understand them and protect them, we may die without them.

Enjoy the show, it is my honor to bring this information to you.

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Show Produced by Jay Fratt


Intro and Outro Music Credit:
Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"

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