There are a number of reasons I decided to start this podcast, but one of the biggest contributing factors was Jason Carriers podcast. As he said at the end of the show, there is such an overlap of values between the homesteading community and the liberty minded community. Today's interview with Jason was certainly an entertaining one. We talked about how he got from suburbia, to horse boarder, to homesteader with his finger in everything. Jason has planted a wide array of orchards, he gardens, he raises bees and chickens, and he recently constructed his own aquaponics system. I hope this interview with Jason can bring you some inspiration and encourage you to get out there and just get started. After the interview, I take a look at Sal Kahn's (not the actor), Kahn Academy, a free market solution to education and one that many homeschoolers and public school students use to supplement their education.

The Sal Kahn Links

Sal Kahn Wiki Kahn Academy Kahn Lab School

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