Keeping a nature journal is a big part of a Charlotte Mason education. Miss Mason had plenty to say about nature study and spending time in the great outdoors.

If you’re looking for a way to encourage nature study, My Nature Journal: One Year of Observation is just the resource you need to gently guide your child in this delightful habit.

Maybe you're like me and you love the planning process of homeschooling. I revel in laying out our routine, putting in those curriculum orders, and organizing the schoolroom. But if you are like me, then you can probably relate that when reality kicks in, all of a sudden what looked really good on paper seems to have a few holes. It feels like for all of your thorough planning something is...missing.

For years in our family that "something" was nature study. As a Charlotte Mason-inspired homeschooler, I knew nature study was a big deal - a core philosophy if you will. I knew it was important for us - mind, body, and soul - to be outdoors and explore. I also knew nature study was the springboard for developing awesome habits like attention and observation, and that it led to awe and wonder at our Creator. 

But I just couldn't seem to make it happen...until I did.

Show Notes

Wild + Free Conference

The Wonderful Sally Clarkson

Nature Study

My Nature Journal: One Year of Observation

Nature Anatomy