Trying to do everything. It's a common struggle for mom's in general but us homeschool moms seem to really be hit with sense of guilt over what we do and what we don't do. Are we really called to be involved in every good opportunity we're presented? Listen to find out more.

[00:00:00] Hey there and welcome to the homeschooling family podcast. Here we discuss just about everything that comes into play when you're a Christian homeschooling family, I'm Leslie nunnery, and on today's podcast, we're going to address the topic of trying to do everything. It's a common struggle for moms in general, but as homeschool mom seem to really be hit with this.

[00:00:27] Sense of guilt over what we do and what we don't do .Are we really called to do be involved in every good opportunity we are presented? Let's talk about that for just a few minutes.

[00:00:38] Hey there, friends! I wanted to come in and talk to you today because I I've actually been thinking about doing this for several days as I was walking. Um it's kind of a followup from the video that I did for this week, the "nope,  you can't [00:01:00] do everything" video. I hope you've taken that a few minutes to watch that, that one has gotten a lot of attention.

[00:01:05] I think that it's really struck a chord with a lot of people who like me struggle with trying to squeeze too much in trying to take too much on us and all of those things. And actually, as I sat down to work this afternoon, my attention was drawn to a little piece of paper that I wrote several years ago.

[00:01:22] I don't remember where I saw this quote. I don't remember when I wrote it, but it's hung on my, on my little bulletin board here beside my desk for a long, long time. And I really need to remember it. I wrote on this paper, there are enough hours every day to do the will of God. That's a reminder to me, once again, that God is not going to ask anything of me, that he does not give me a path to fulfill.

[00:01:50] And so I [inaduible] last night as I was at our prayer meeting, I was sharing a prayer request that there's a lot coming up. There's a lot of work that we're trying to do to [00:02:00] roll out the new 365 platform as well as gifts. Everything ready for next year's events. I'm so excited about some things that are coming to next year's events, but all of this is happening right now.

[00:02:13] And all of this is really good stuff, but sometimes when you're down in the weeds, you can't see your way out of it and you can't see exactly how God is going to work and get you to the other side of that. But I need to always remember. God has given me exactly the right amount of time. He knows that there are 24 hours in a day.

[00:02:33] And it's when I clutter up my days that I, I find myself spinning my wheels and not having the time to do what I need to do. I prioritize things incorrectly. I take some of the things that should have been, let go a long time ago. For several of the reasons that I mentioned in the video this week, but I keep those on me and that pushes out the stuff that really is the will of God for my life right now.

[00:02:58] So I want to encourage you to [00:03:00] remember there are enough hours in every day to do what God has called you to do- those things that only you can do that we talk about in the video, those things that are for this season. God has given you the time to do it. Rejoice in that, kind of focus on that. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed without going back to this, remembering that God is, God is a God of peace.

[00:03:23] He's a God of order. He is not the God of confusion. And it is when we allow extra things in our lives that that confusion becomes, um, sometimes a little bit overwhelming. So I wanted to encourage you with that. First of all. There are always enough hours in every day to do the will of God. But as I was walking, I wanted to ask also encourage you that there were a couple of things that are foundational to every day.