Welcome to the Teach Them Diligently podcast, where we focus on all the different elements that help a Christian homeschooling family THRIVE. On today’s podcast, Paola Brown will be joining us to talk all about God’s medicine of Homeopathy. I was fascinated to hear her story as well as get more information to make this natural approach to health less intimidating. Paola is knowledgeable and a gifted teacher, so you’ll have a lot to think about as you tune in. Be sure to check the show notes for more links– and to check out our Health and Wellness Summit that she participated in along with many others. That’s a summit your family can’t afford to miss! This summit will be released at the end of February 2022.

Additional Resources:You can find SO MUCH more information at Paola Brown's website by clicking HERE. A wonderful video titled "The Healing Path" that will encourage you along your health journey.Find out information about Americans for Homeopathy and how your family can choose a more natural approach to health and wellness! Click HERE to find out more!

The Teach Them Diligently Podcast is made possible in large part through the help of our partners. The organizations that we work with are like-minded and passionate in their mission to better equip families to serve the Lord well. Voice of the Martyrs is one such group, and their resources are an incredible complement to your family worship time. Go to VOM.Org/TTD to sign up today, and you’ll receive a free updated copy of "Foxe Book of Martyers" AND you’ll start getting a magazine each month to help you and your family pray strategically for our brothers and sisters all around the world.