On today's podcast, we are joined by author, podcast host, and homeschool mom Jamie Erickson. We are continuing our series to help us go back to homeschool with more purpose and clarity that we have ever had before! What Jamie and Leslie will discuss today is something we believe all of us want but sometimes seems hard to find because we have to rearrange our thinking to make it happen. We know today your heart will be encouraged as we discuss hygge (HOO-GUH) in our homeschool and creating a Gospel-centered home through the Danish practice of Hygge.

Meet the Guest:
When she’s not curating memories, hoarding vintage books, or playing ringmaster to her circus of five blissfully abnormal kids, Jamie Erickson can be found encouraging and equipping a growing tribe of mothers all across the globe on the Mom to Mom podcast. Jamie is the author of Homeschool Bravely and her newest book, Holy Hygge: Creating a Place for People to Gather and the Gospel to Grow, launching September 6, 2022.

Today’s episode is brought to you by Trail Life USA. Trail Life is where boys and men thrive! With more than 40,000 members in nearly 900 Troops across all 50 states, homeschool moms and dads are discovering the power of outdoor adventure and badge-based education to engage boys, nurture faith, and awaken a love for learning. Unshackled from the classroom, boys and dads come to life in an environment where faith and understanding grow naturally. Men love the intentional discipleship time carved out with their sons, as together they plan, work, serve, learn, and experience adventure together -- relationships grow, faith becomes real, leadership is learned, and boys grow to become biblically-bold, courageous servant-leaders of faith and character. Learn more at www.TrailLifeUSA.com/ttd
Additional Resources:
Jamie's book, Holy Hygge: Creating a Place for People to Gather and the Gospel to Grow comes out on September 6th. Anyone who preorders can click HERE to snag a free eGuide called "Holy Hygge All Year Long" that will provide practical ideas to show you how to pair the outward help of hygge with the inward hope of Jesus so that you can make Kingdom connections with your family, friends, and neighbors for the next twelve months. Click HERE for A Year of Hygge for Homeschool Click HERE to find out more about Nurturing a Hyggelig Homeschool